The Oaks computing vision
At The Oaks we strive for children to become reflective and resilient at using technology, by enabling them to find, explore, analyse and present information confidently as excellent learners. We want the children to recall and use skills and knowledge, make connections and apply their learning to a range of situations through our teaching of these four threads: digital literacy, citizenship, coding and computer science. Our relentless drive for improvement and high expectations of all are central to what we do.
Reflective and resilient computer users
We strive for children to become:
Reflective computer users - planning, monitoring and evaluating their learning using their prior knowledge of software and applications. Developing the skills necessary to be able to use information in a discriminating and effective way.
Resilient computer users - recognising and learning from their mistakes. Viewing debugging as a part of coding and believing in themselves to face and solve the challenge. By tinkering and trying a range of approaches, the children recognise that a mistake is a learning opportunity to achieve longer term goals.
Digital Literacy
This part of the computing curriculum teaches skills and knowledge required to be an effective, safe and discerning users of a range of computer systems. It covers a range of knowledge and skills, such as using physical devices or knowledge of the features that are likely to mean digital content is reliable. Computing skills are a major factor in enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners and it is our intention that children have every opportunity available to allow them to achieve this.
Computer science
Computer science covers knowledge of computers and network systems. We also teach computation, which includes concepts such as data, system architecture, algorithms and programming. Lessons in computer science may include a range of ‘unplugged activities’ which are carried out away from a computer.
This is an area of computer science whereby instructions are given to complete a challenge. It allows pupils to apply their knowledge of computer science through writing code to solve problems and applying their skills of debugging to fix any errors.
Digital citizenship
In our digital citizenship lessons, children are encouraged to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private. They are able to identify where to go for help and support and can articulate experiences and knowledge of acceptable or unacceptable behaviour. We strive for the children to approach difficult situations with independent thought but to be reflective about when to seek support from an adult.
Apply learning to a range of problems
We strive for children to be able to apply the languages of learning, knowledge and skills to a range of real-life contexts; our aim is that they will utilise their independent thinking to choose the IT most effective and relevant to a subject. Children need to be confident and apply their skills when coming across problems or applications in Science, maths, history, geography, or DT.
Our teachers are provided with a Long Term Plan which details the units of work the children need to learn in each year group. These units are progressive and the Long Term Plan provides recaps as well as key learning opportunities for the planning of lessons. The teachers are signposted to schemes of work including The Switched On Curriculum (for online safety), units of work from Keychain Education (especially the computing networks lessons) and Discovery Education (for coding lessons).
By delivering the lessons covering the threads within Computing, we strongly believe that we are preparing the children for the future world which is increasingly technologically based, because this is the least our children and families deserve.
For further information please contact FAO Mrs Goudy.