Year 3

3AC - Mrs Akdemir and Mrs Carr

3T - Miss Taylor

Spring Term

In Year 3, we will be travelling back in time through the Stone Age to the Iron Age in our topic. We will be linking this to all of our wider curriculum learning! We will be using our art and design skills to create our own cave art just like the cave men and women! The children will also have the opportunity to meet a cave woman and live like cave children for the day in school. 

In maths this term we will be focusing on multiplication and division, the children will be extending their year 2 knowledge and learn the formal method column multiplication! This will also support the children in progressing through TTrockstars, remember they can play this at home too! We will also be looking at length and perimeter and fractions. You can support your child at home by using a measuring tape to measure everyday objects. 

This term in English we will be exploring an explanation text, learning to use instructional language and how to apply direct speech. We will be developing characters, settings and plot via fictional texts and building our writing stamina. We will use various fiction and non-fiction texts linked to the stone age and iron age and continue to build on previous writing skills. You can support your child by asking them to write instructions about a simple task. 

In reading lessons we will explore a range of texts including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We will continue to work on fluency, comprehension and inference - looking for clues within texts. Children will be reading longer texts with more challenging vocabulary. Children are expected and encouraged to read four times a week at home to develop their fluency and comprehension. Children will quiz weekly in Accelerated Reader to check how well they have understood their book. There will be prizes and rewards for those who are reading regularly at home. 

In PSHE we will be learning about healthy relationships and children will learn the skills to build and maintain healthy relationships with peers, friends, family, relatives and online. 

In RE we will be learning about Hinduism, linking to good karma and bad karma. We will be playing snakes and ladders to represent good karma as the ladders and bad karma as the snakes. We will then move onto Christianity where children will be learning about the concept of heaven. 

To tie in with our Ages topic, in science we will be learning all about rocks and how they are formed. We will be doing lots of experiments to test rocks and investigate how different rocks are formed.