
The Oaks History Vision

At The Oaks we strive for children to become reflective, thoughtful and articulate historians, who can recall and use knowledge fluently, ask and answer questions, make connections and apply their learning to a range of time periods. The history curriculum is designed to allow a progressive, chronological development of the children’s knowledge starting with an understanding of the past and building to a more detailed knowledge of events within and across the time periods studied. Our relentless drive for improvement and high expectations of all are central to what we do.

Language of Learning  

We strive for our children to become: 


High quality texts, including facsimiles of original documents,  are meticulously chosen to support learning and the acquisition of knowledge in history. The children have access to the Curriculum Visions website at home and in school, which allows them to read around particular subjects. We introduce them to fiction texts set in an historical context.

Cultural Capital 

We strive for children to develop key skills and knowledge that will prepare them for the next stages of their learning and to become equipped members of society. We strive for children to be inspired and prepared for the possibility of future career paths that can be pursued by a study of history.


Our history curriculum allows children to learn ‘through talk’. High quality talk is deliberately planned for in history lessons, to ensure children have the opportunity to broaden and embed their vocabulary and use of historical terms, deepen their subject knowledge and articulate themselves well.

High expectations 

We strive for our children to have access to high quality resources and equipment for each unit of work, including museum visits where appropriate. We relentlessly strive to develop teaching and learning to ensure that our curriculum reflects and is adapted based on the needs of the children.

For further information please email admin@theoaksprimary.co.uk  FAO Mrs Ferrell