Mrs Phillips
Mrs Eaton
Miss Manners
Autumn Term
This term we will be exploring the question ‘Would you rather live on a farm or in a forest?’ We will be learning about farm and forest animals - their body parts, their habitats, their babies and what foods they eat. We will learn about where our food comes from; which foods come from farm animals and which foods come from plants (edible and inedible) and the children will get to experience tasting different foods linked to this topic. We also have an exciting trip to Easton Farm Park planned, where we will get to see lots of farm animals and explore the forest for minibeasts. We will develop our expressive arts and design skills, learning how to mark make using different tools and materials, before creating our own observational drawing and self-portraits. We will also delve into some history where the children will learn about Guy Fawkes and bonfire night, as well as learning about who Jesus was and why Christians celebrate Christmas. We will also learn about Hinduism and the traditions and celebrations of Diwali. In science, we will learn about plants and trees and discuss the weather patterns of the four seasons. In computing, we will explore using a range of technologies, such as programming Beebots, navigating ipad apps and using chromebooks. We will also learn about how to keep ourselves safe online and understand the importance of respecting others' privacy.
In maths this term will be learning about numbers 0 to 5. Focusing on one number every two weeks, we will learn everything about that number; knowing one more and one less, ordering, counting it out, subitising and making and breaking the number to find the hidden numbers ie. 3 and 2 is 5. We will also explore making amounts with money (focusing on using 1p, 2p and 5p) and we will learn about the properties of 2D shapes (sides and vertices). Please check tapestry for regular updates of our maths learning including ideas of how you can support your child at home.
In English this term we will be immersing ourselves in a range of farm and forest themed texts. We will be learning actions for some of the stories to ensure that we can retell some of the more well-known texts confidently. We will also spend time learning through ‘drawing club’, where we will look at characters, settings and use our imaginations to think of adventures. We will also begin to develop the phonic skills needed to recognise sounds, read and write words and captions and eventually, sentences fluently. Reading plays a vital role in our learning and we hope to broaden the children's experience of authors and genres.
In Reception children are expected to read every day. The best way you can support your child with their learning is to read with them daily. Children will receive stickers weekly and stamps in their reading diary every time they read at least four times a week. At the end of each term there are opportunities for children to receive prizes and rewards for hitting reading goals ☺ Keep reading!
Reception will also have PE every Friday so please send your child to school dressed in their P.E kit.