
Miss Shelton

Mrs Howden

Mrs Taylor 

Spring Term

Nursery will be starting the year with our topic ‘What makes me great?’. 

In the first half term the topic is taught through learning nursery rhymes; hickory dickory dock; twinkle twinkle little star; baa baa black sheep; Incy wincy spider; 12345 once I caught a fish alive; Humpty dumpty. We will also learn common songs; wheels on the bus; Old Macdonald had a farm; 5 little speckled frogs; 5 little ducks. Please enjoy sharing and singing these and your favourite rhymes and songs together. 

In the second half term the topic is taught through learning about celebrations including Halloween, Bonfire night, Chinese New Year, birthdays and Christmas. We will also learn about what makes us special, our sense, our bodies, our families and special people. We will learn songs; head, shoulders, knees and toes; If your happy, happy, happy; This is the way; what can you hear?; Do you like broccoli?; What’s your name?.

This term we will be focusing on supporting the children to settle into nursery and access a wide variety of activities. We will develop all our learning through continuous provision both indoors and outdoors using a variety or activities across the half term. This will help us improve our learning behaviour such as gaining independence; learning to cooperate with others; linking our learning; noticing and observing ourselves and environment; sharing our ideas.

We will develop our personal, social and emotional skills by learning to play with our friends; learning the rules and routines of nursery and naming and talking about our emotions.

We will develop our literary, language and communication skills by listening and talking about stories; joining in with actions and phrases; listening and talking to adults and our friends; singing songs and rhymes; taking part in role play activities; sharing experiences with others; playing phonics games; follow simple instructions.

We will develop our physical skills by developing our independence and confidence using the toilet; using scissors safely and with control; improving our balance, control and coordination on the obstacle course and bikes; developing more control and accuracy with small movements such as tweezers, threading and mark making tools. 

We will develop our mastery maths skills by learning all about numbers up to 3 in depth such as counting amounts correctly; showing amounts on our fingers, recognising amounts, naming numbers 1-3 correctly, matching amounts and talking about the numbers. 

We will develop our understanding the world skills by exploring the world around us; talking about what we find; developing our ICT skills. 

We will develop our expressive arts and design skills by exploring different media; making models and pictures; talking about creations; taking part in role play and storytelling activities. 

Forest School Visits

What we do in Nursery

Inside Nursery