We expect to see all children in a school uniform. This ensures children look smart which in turn, encourages them to take pride in their school and approach learning in the right frame of mind. A school uniform helps promote a sense of belonging and community. School uniform, PE kit and book bags can be purchased online from our uniform provider:
Our uniform consists of:
Yellow polo shirt.
Grey or black trousers/shorts/skirt/dress.
In summer a burgundy or red and white checked dress can be worn.
Burgundy sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan or fleece.
Dark coloured shoes
Trainers may be worn, but they should be all black with black laces and no coloured logos.
Plain dark or white socks or tights. Please note sports socks are for PE/ Games.
For P.E. and games
Black or burgundy shorts.
Round neck white t-shirt.
Plimsolls for indoor use.
Black or burgundy jogging bottoms.
Black or burgundy sweatshirt.
Trainers for outdoor use.
No jewellery.
Clothing recommended for swimming
Swimwear and swim cap
Art Overalls
Children are required to wear an apron or an old shirt during activities such as painting, to avoid spoiling clothes.
Please ensure all clothing is labelled with your child’s name.