Year 5

5F - Mrs Ferrell

5G - Mrs Goudy

Spring Term

This term, our learning will be focused on the geographical theme of natural disasters, including earthquakes and volcanoes. We will also find out about physical features of the Earth and its geography. 

As writers, we will create texts covering a range of styles, including narrative, newspaper/journalistic writing, explanations and we will learn to see things from both sides when we write balanced arguments.

In reading lessons, we will read the exciting Stormbreaker, which will have us on the edge of our seats and the humorous There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom.

Our number skills learning will continue to focus on a variety of mental arithmetic skills, designed to develop automaticity. We also encourage the children to continue accessing TT Rockstars to play all the games and Stick and Split. In maths lessons our main focus will be fractions and decimals as well as perfecting the written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and short division. 

In our DT learning, children will have the opportunity to create their own pop-up book. Art will focus on interpreting and responding to various pieces of art and creating a design for a product.

We will continue to have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please send children to school in their PE kits (and ensure earrings are removed).

Homework goes ‘live’ on the Google Classroom on Friday and needs to be submitted by the following Thursday. An important part of the children’s homework is reading at least 4 times a week and recording it in their planner. The children get rewarded for completing this and have the opportunity to win prizes throughout the year. You’ve got to be in it to win it! 

Welcome to UKS2 meeting

Thorpe Woodland Information