
The Oaks are a Voice 21 hub school and have worked with Voice 21 to develop our teacher’s skills regarding the teaching of oracy. 

Oracy is the ability to express oneself clearly and fluently through speech. The ability to communicate effectively. At The Oaks, we believe that oracy is a vital life skill for all. Through developing children’s speaking and listening skills, we empower them to become more confident, equip them with the skills to use & decode challenging vocabulary, and find their voice.

A lack of articulacy, eloquence and communication skills is one of the biggest barriers to future employment.

Ultimately, we want the children to be great speakers and communicators. We want them to have the words and the ability to get across what they want to say in an articulate and appropriate way and to speak well in different situations.

At The Oaks, each classroom is rich in talk. Teachers plan purposeful, structured and scaffolded opportunities for talk. Children are explicitly taught speaking skills and encouraged to challenge ideas, motivate each other, build upon ideas and summarise discussions. We aim to create a range of opportunities for our students to develop confidence in talk, such as:

Want to find out more? Follow these links! 

What is


What can you do at home?

Talk to your children whenever you can! In a busy household, it can be difficult to spend quality time talking in a reflective way about what everyone’s been doing. Mealtimes can often be the best time for families to get together like this. 

Help your children to develop their vocabulary by suggesting better words they might have used in your conversations - in a friendly and constructive way!

Oracy activities to try out!