Useful links to SEN
At The Oaks, we believe that everyone has the right to a high quality education that is broad and balanced. All of our staff are committed giving their best to all of our pupils. All staff members at The Oaks are dedicated to creating strong and lasting relationships with all of the pupils and we believe this is fantastic way to support our children, particularly those children with special educational needs and disabilities.
Our Key aims
- creating strong relationships between the home and school to ensure for the best possible outcome for all out children
- ensuring that all of our children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum that meets each individual needs
- staff identifying SEND in pupils and ensuring that they seek the appropriate support using the Graduated Response
- all of our staff understanding that identifying and support children with SEND is a whole school responsibility
- providing the appropriate support for all staff to ensure that they can provide the best possible support for their pupils
- all staff being aware of those children with SEND and knowing the most effective ways to provide them with the relevant support
Who to contact:
If you have a new concern about your child and SEND you should initially talk to your child's
teacher to highlight any concern. The teacher will then, if they haven't already, highlight this concern to the SENDCo Miss Trivett. From here the best course of action will be discussed and put in place using the Graduated Response and the Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR) process. If you have an ongoing concern or if you would to discuss anything else to do with SEND you should contact Miss Trivett via the school office.
Assess Plan Do Review process
Here is a summary of the APDR process and what it looks like in school. This is a cycle that all children with SEND will go through in order to seek the best support available to them.
Assess - here we assess the needs of the child and think about some of the things they may be finding more difficult. We will look at assessment data, observe behaviours in class and take on parents views.
Plan - here we look at what we can do as a first step in providing the correct support. Initially we will look at what adjustments can
be made in our whole class teaching and how we can differentiate a child's learning in order to support them in accessing the learning in class. We will also look at the child's area of need and tailor the support appropriately. We will put a timescale on the adjusted support and review this at the review phase of this process.
Do - We put in place the agreed support from the planning phase. This could include; intervention, differentiation, classroom
support, support from SENDCo and various other things. We will then agree a time for this to be reviewed.
Review - Here will review the impact of the plans in place in the plan phase. We will make adjustments where needed. If these plans have made a significant impact and the original concern is longer, apparent we will continue with the same level support already put in place. If the plans put in place have not had the desired impact we would then look at adjusting the support that we can put in place in order to offer something different for the child. We would then repeat the APDR cycle with the updated information.
If this cycle has been completed and the support hasn't been enough to enable the child to access the learning at level where the school and the parents are happy we would then seek further support from outside agencies using the Graduated Response. Where
outside support is needed the child would still be a part of the APDR cycle so that we can continue to monitor the impact the support is having and to assess whether any adjustments need to be made.