Year 4

4H- Mrs Hutchings 

4W - Miss Wright

Autumn Term

In our learning this term, we will start our journey of learning by covering areas such as Ancient Egypt in history, drawing in art and animals and humans in our science.

As writers, we will create our very own narratives based on the traditional tale, 'Jack and the Beanstalk’'! We will write an explanation text linked to our topic of Ancient Egyptians to create a step by step guide on how to mummify. 

In our reading lessons, we will be working on key skills such as retrieval and inference to improve our reading comprehension skills. Our class reads will allow us to escape into a world of imagination along with our weekly library visits. 

With the multiplication check coming up this academic year, our number skills learning will continue to focus on times tables with weekly homework being set on TT rockstars. Please ensure that your children are using this tool to build their confidence for the check. Home learning is set on a Monday and has to be completed by the following Monday. We have a class check in each week to see how the children are getting on. 

In maths, we are starting the year off with a breakdown of numbers including place value and positional knowledge. With a Shape day within and continuous times tables. 

In our afternoon learning the children will have the opportunity to build slingshot cars out of wood, building instructions to build and debug online games as well as taking a trip back in time to Ancient Egypt!

We will have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please send children to school wearing their PE kits. 

We can’t wait to get started on our learning this term! 

Mrs Goudy and Mrs Hutchings 

Summer Term

In our learning this term, we will continue to build on our excellence across the curriculum, covering areas such as Great Britain in geography, textiles in art and electricity in our science.

As writers, we will create our very own narratives based on the book, 'Katie in London'! We will also use the text type of a leaflet to inspire a piece of writing based on our capital city, London. 

In our reading lessons, we will be working on key skills such as retrieval and inference to improve our reading comprehension skills. Our class reads will allow us to escape into a world of imagination along with our weekly library visits. 

With the multiplication check coming up very soon, our number skills learning will continue to focus on times tables with weekly homework being set on TT rockstars. Please ensure that your children are using this tool to build their confidence for the check. Home learning is set on a Friday and has to be completed by the following Friday. We have a class check in each week to see how the children are getting on. 

In maths, we’ll continue to focus on the most important knowledge that children need in order to progress as excellent mathematicians! We will be focusing this term on decimals, time and money. 

In our afternoon learning the children will have the opportunity to build torches out of recycled materials, discover how the world wide web is connected as well as visiting our country's capital city!

We will continue to have PE on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please send children to school wearing their PE kits. 

We can’t wait to get started on our learning this term! 

Spring Term

This term, our learning will be taking on astronomical proportions as we learn all about Earth and Space! Children will be superstars as they learn all about planets, our solar system, and the movement of the Earth and moon! 

As writers, we will create informative reports all about space that will be out of this world! We will also read the ‘Moon Man’, which will inspire us to write diary entries and take part in a debate. Finally, we’ll master speech punctuation as we write in a narrative style, looking at the text ‘The King of Space!’

In reading lessons, we will continue to work in groups and read a range of non-fiction and fiction extracts.

With the multiplication check coming up in the Summer term, our number skills learning will continue to focus on times tables with weekly homework being set on TT rockstars. Please watch the videos on the maths section of the website if you’d like more information about how to support your child on TT rockstars. In maths lessons, we’ll continue to focus on the most important knowledge that children need in order to blast off as excellent mathematicians! We will focus on written methods for multiplication and division. 

In our DT learning, children will have the opportunity to design and create their own biscuits. Art will focus on art and design skills building on their learning from year 3. We are introducing a new geography unit this term, the children will be learning about latitude and longitude and how they can use this knowledge to learn about what a location is like.

We will continue to have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please send children to school in their PE kits. 

TT rockstars homework is set on a Monday and has to be completed by the following Monday. We have a class check in each week to see how the children are getting on. 

We can’t wait to get started on our learning this term, the children are going to rock-et