Year 6
6E - Mrs Ellis
6M - Mr Morley
with Mrs Bradfield, Miss Rose. Mrs Walker, Mrs Warner
Mrs Thornton also teaches maths in Year 6
Autumn Term
Year 6 started with a really exciting trip to Thorpe Woodlands - see Tapestry for our photos!
English - persuasive writing, scene descriptions, character development, atmospheric and post apocalyptic narratives and narratives with dialogue. Skill development - relative clauses, parenthesis, inverted commas
Maths - Place value, decimals, negative numbers, square and cube numbers, multiples and factors, addition and subtraction of integers, written multiplication and division, fractions
Science - Living things including humans followed by Evolution
Geography - Settlements, Grid references and The water cycle
PE - Tuesday - Leadership and problem solving skills, Samba (dance) Wednesday -Swimming
RE - Christianity (incarnation) and Islam (Tawhid)
Computing - Using Google sheets & Espresso coding
Art - Drawing and painting including mixed media
DT - Creating a soup kitchen
PSHE - Citizenship and Economic well being
Music - Music will start for year 6 after Christmas when their swimming sessions have finished.
French - Classroom language, greetings, different ways of asking a question, how are you, the cedilla, revising numbers 1-31, months of the year, upper and lower case letters with months, spelling strategies, rhymes to remember number of days in each month, ordinal numbers, circumflex accent, dates and birthdays, days of the week, classroom objects, dictionary skills, alphabet, Saint Nicholas’s Day, revising adjectives, using the formal and informal, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and celebrations, plural nouns and irregular plurals, nationalities, languages, postal addresses, on.
Important things to know:
PE days are Tuesday and swimming on Wednesday
At The Oaks, we expect children to read at least four times a week. Children will be rewarded for completing this regular reading, so please make sure it is recorded in planners.
Homework is posted on Google Classroom every Monday to be completed by Friday.
TTRS is a great way to make sure children can fluently recall their times tables - our aim is 3 seconds or less per question!