Year 6

6AE - Mrs Ellis (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri), Miss Adams (Wed) and Miss Rose 

6M - Mr Morley and Mrs Bradfield

Mrs Thornton also teaches maths in Year 6

Spring Term

Year 6 will be going on an amazing trip to Duxford which coincides 

with our historical learning of WW2 and the Battle of Britain

Our learning this term

English - report writing, scene descriptions, character development, diary writing.

Skill development - Modal verbs, parenthesis, inverted commas - Links to our History topic of WW2 reading the text ‘When the Sky Falls’.

Maths - Fractions, decimals and percentages before moving into algebra and using formulas. 

In number skills we will continue our arithmetic practice as well as consolidating squaring and cubing, multiplying and dividing by 10,100 & 1000 and multiplying and dividing fractions.

Science - Animals including humans  (The circulatory system and health)

History - WW2 & The Battle of Britain

PE - Tuesday - Invasion Games (Football), Thursday - Gymnastics (matching and mirroring) & Health related fitness

RE - Hinduism (Brahman & Atman) & Buddhism 

Computing - Creating a website using Google Sites

DT - Playground structures - design, make and evaluate

PSHE - Relationships

Music - orchestral variations and the instruments found in an orchestra

French - Classroom language, school life & my family

Important things to know:


Year 6 started with a really exciting trip to Thorpe Woodlands - see Tapestry for our photos!

Our learning this term:

English - persuasive writing, scene descriptions, character development, atmospheric and post apocalyptic narratives and narratives with dialogue. Skill development - relative clauses, parenthesis, inverted commas

Maths - Place value, decimals, negative numbers, square and cube numbers, multiples and factors, addition and subtraction of integers, written multiplication and division, fractions

Science - Living things including humans followed by Evolution

History - Mayan culture

PE - Tuesday - Invasion Games (Netball), Thursday - Leadership and problem solving skills, Samba (dance)

RE - Christianity (incarnation) and Islam (Tawhid)

Computing - Using Google sheets & Espresso coding

Art - Drawing (make my voice heard) and painting/mixed media (artist study)

DT - Mechanical systems - automata toys

PSHE - Health and well being

French - Classroom language, greetings, different ways of asking a question, how are you, the cedilla, revising numbers 1-31, months of the year, upper and lower case letters with months, spelling strategies, rhymes to remember number of days in each month, ordinal numbers, circumflex accent, dates and birthdays, days of the week, classroom objects, dictionary skills, alphabet, Saint Nicholas’s Day, revising adjectives, using the formal and informal, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and celebrations, plural nouns and irregular plurals, nationalities, languages, postal addresses, on. 

Important things to know:

SATs Information

Recorded : 10th November 2021

Click the video to watch the recorded session about supporting year 6 pupils during SATs.

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